Pre-prosthetic surgery refers to surgical procedures performed to prepare the mouth and surrounding structures for the placement of dental prostheses, such as dentures, bridges, or dental implants. These surgeries aim to optimize the oral environment to ensure the successful and stable placement of prosthetic devices. Pre-prosthetic surgery may be necessary for various reasons, including:

  1. Ridge modification: This involves reshaping or smoothing the jawbone ridge (alveolar ridge) to create a more even and stable foundation for dentures or dental implants. Ridge modification may be necessary if the bone has resorbed or if there are irregularities in the bone structure.
  2. Extraction of hopeless teeth: Teeth that are severely damaged, decayed, or non-restorable may need to be extracted before prosthetic treatment. Extraction of such teeth helps to eliminate sources of infection, improve oral hygiene, and create space for prosthetic devices.
  3. Bone grafting: In cases where there is insufficient bone volume or density to support dental implants, bone grafting procedures may be performed to augment the bone in the implant site. Bone grafts can be sourced from the patient’s own body (autogenous grafts), donor tissue (allografts), or synthetic materials (alloplastic grafts).
  4. Sinus lift (sinus augmentation): This procedure involves lifting the sinus membrane and placing bone graft material in the sinus cavity to increase the bone height in the posterior maxilla (upper jaw). Sinus lifts are often performed when there is inadequate bone volume in the posterior maxilla for dental implant placement.
  5. Soft tissue grafting: In cases where there is insufficient soft tissue coverage or inadequate keratinized tissue around dental implants or dentures, soft tissue grafting procedures may be performed to enhance the health and stability of the peri-implant or peri-denture tissues.

Pre-prosthetic surgery is typically performed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons or periodontists who have specialized training in surgical procedures related to dental prosthetics. These surgeries are often performed in conjunction with restorative dentistry procedures to achieve optimal outcomes for patients requiring dental prosthetic treatment. Proper evaluation, treatment planning, and coordination among dental specialists are essential to ensure successful pre-prosthetic surgery and long-term prosthetic rehabilitation

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